I collect circulated coins from all countries around the world.
Generally (by year and mint mark) I collect coins from following countries:
Czechoslovakia, Czech and Slovak Republics
Great Britain, Channel Islands, British Palestine
USSR, Russian Empire, Russian Federation, ex-USSR countries, Baltic States
EURO, Albania, Austria, Bulgaria, Germany, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Yugoslavia and some other European countries
Coins from other European countries and U.S.A. I collect especially by type. Other coins from America, Asia, Africa and Australia I collect only by type (except coins from British Palestine and ex-USSR countries which I collect generally).
Fore more information about the countries from which I have no coin or few coins only try this link.If you are interested in some of my coins, you can send me an e-mail.
You can write in English, Czech, Slovak, Russian or German. Please e-mail me (pfrouz@seznam.cz) for my "snail" address.Here's also an inexpensive way to get some coins of the Czech Republic or of Czechoslovakia!
If you want to get some common coins of my country (Czech Republic, Czechoslovakia till 1993), please send me some different old or present coins (different type or year or mint) of your home country or of countries from your region. After delivery of the coins I will send you immediately the same number of Czech or Czechoslovak coins.